‘Me, my BTEC Level 4 in Coaching for Driver Development, and how my Career has diversified and blossomed because of it’.
A question that I am asked frequently is regarding the benefits of paying out for the BTEC Level 4 in Coaching for Driver Development.
It seems that many people focus on their barriers not their benefits.
ADIs are justifiably cautious of finding financial, educational and personal benefits following their initial outlay. Like any other continued professional developmental plan – the investment needs to be seen as a worthwhile. I understand that!
I have never avoided being honest about my own reasons for investing in my BTEC 4 back in 2011. The truth is I was bored and frustrated with the job; I had had enough; and after a mere 7 years as an ADI!
As far as I could see it, my options were to:
a) Get out and retrain in another profession
b) Invest in some further training that would unlock some exciting new pathways
Let me fast forward to present day where I have multiple job roles all underneath the ADI banner.
I have around 14 different ‘job roles’
– including:
Classroom based Driver Intervention Courses like Speed Awareness
BTEC 4 delivery
through to Fleet training and DriverMetrics,
Standards Check Training and Part 3 rescue
as well as selling my Car & Diagram Sets (which have been dual branded with Tri-Coaching Partnership’s TCIT Product for over two years)
I thrive on the diversity of the career that I have worked so hard to develop. It has not always been easy of course. Currently my working week is full of variety, reward and inspiration.
I am writing now about the shock realisation about just how far I have developed because of a sensitive initiative I was invited to be a part of.
I am extremely conscious about that ‘sensitivity’ issue as I write here, so please forgive me for being vague in my descriptions below.
This started a few months ago and is not local to me. I must keep it vague for various reasons – coloured flashing lights would be the singular clue I would offer.
I was approached because of my reputation, my integrity, my previous Facebook posts (like this one) and my skillset including:
*My BTEC 4 Coaching for Driver Development knowledge and
*Experience with Full Licence Holders and CPD for ADIs
*My passion for Coaching used for driver development
*My understanding of Behavioural Change benefits/courses
*Deeper Learning, and where ‘it’ comes from
*Using the Goals for Driver Education Matrix (GDE) as a tool
*Knowledge that thoughts, feelings and beliefs affect Driver
behaviours profoundly
*Acknowledgement of the gap between an ‘intended behaviour’
and an ‘actual behavioural outcome’ and that there can be
It would appear that ‘Influential People’ had been observing my posts and Tri-Coaching Partnership email topics.
I was approached, and of course, I jumped at the opportunity to lead the ‘training’ as they called it.
The invitation was to ‘discuss’ future ‘ideas’, ‘possibilities’, ‘interventions’, and ‘training solutions’ with those Professionals who deliver that Specialist Training I mentioned above.
It was fascinating to be there; to hear about obstacles and inside information. I do not for one minute imagine I am a self-imposed expert, though I can see that being an ignorant outsider gives me a fresh and open perspective.
Their profession might be seen in a similar way to ours – where initiating change within that establishment is fraught with obstacles.
The first meeting went very well (That is the feedback I had at the time plus via a colleague who heard independently about it afterwards
But what if?………
But what if I had not taken that chance in 2011 by attending the BTEC Level 4? It would not have launched me into the career path that I am now on – in full swing of experiencing now!
Would I still be as frustrated and un-stimulated as I was then? I think so.
What in your future might you regret if you put off advancing your Personal Development any longer?
Could the BTEC 4 your launch pad?
Could the BTEC Level 4 be the platform and Tri-Coaching Partnership (me included) be the support network that you could use to get you to the job diversity and satisfaction that you deserve?
Is the £30 per week a long term Goal for you to invest in… or a barrier?
How can you sidestep your barrier?
Maidstone, Kent – BTEC Level 4 with me and Elton
Milton Keynes, Bucks – Btec Level 4 with me and Kev
Tri-Coaching Partnership
Fiona Taylor – website (under reconstruction!)