Test Nerves – How can I help?

Below is a brief description about my own Driving Test fiasco when I was 17!

This is copied from a Facebook forum I wrote in earlier today. It got me thinking about nerves and what can be done about them…


“I was stupendously nervous! Knees kept giving way walking towards the car so I looked like a berk even before I got in – so you can imagine what my clutch ‘control’ was like [or NOT] !

I eventually got out of test centre – noticed examiner ‘shaking his head from side to side’….. panicked even MORE! Oh My god he is so ANGRY at me!!! THEN I noticed he was even tutting at me – rhythmically!

By now I have been over kerbs and maybe even the odd human – who knows!! Get back to Test Centre with no dents to the car -just my self esteem!

The lovely Driving Examiner kindly explains that I have been unsuccessful on this occasion ……… hahahahahahahahahaha! Duhhh!

As he walks off…… and it is only in that moment I realise that he had slight Parkinson’s disease and that caused him to permanently shake his head (a tremor) AND he had also finished sucking his sweet!!!! – so not even tutting as I assumed he had been because I was “so bad”!! It just goes to show what ‘intense emotional states’ do to Students attending tests 🙂 “


So after this experience that I remember so vividly, you would think that I could recall my test pass 11 days later with the same clarity? No! Not at all! I remember nothing of the pass – just him saying I had and the elation that followed!



I think we are all pre-set to remember our mistakes (probably an evolutionary safety mechanism) and not to recall our triumphs so readily. A sad fact that it is useful for me to rectify during driving lessons. It is part of my lesson structure to ask Students to list what went well and not only to ‘re-live’ their errors! Even the small point of re-framing a question to a ‘future possible solution’ makes a massive difference! For example, even a simple version of “What could you do differently next time you are in that situation?” offers a positive and changeable solution that Student respond really well to – rather than “what did you do wrong there then?”!!


The thing I noticed most about my first test was that I was out of control! I had no idea how I could manage my nerves. As an ADI I have noticed that this is yet one more occasion where no two people are the same – so what works to calm and appease one Student will not often work for another; that people may have faith in a technique – even if considered to be a placebo, it will still work.


Since Coaching I have found that the only ones who really know what ‘could’ work is the Student themselves…. and another key factor is their conviction of my faith in them!


I, like most, ADIs have an extensive armoury of ways to combat nerves. The Student helps us find a solution. Often random things like a Mind-map will clarify things and highlight an action plan! Sometimes the mind-map itself has been the answer!


The other massive benefit that the Students gain from the Coaching process is that they constantly analyse and reflect upon their driving. They are confident in their ability to adapt one situation to fit another, and to readily plan and adapt it when necessary. This has been the process throughout their lessons. I enjoy watching ‘decisions’ being made when something happens out of context during their test – rather than stagnating and making odd decisions because ‘it isn’t meant to happen that way’. This also seems to have a direct effect upon dealing with nerves in the run up to test. There can be much discussion if nerves are considered to be a personal issue.


Research suggests that self evaluation techniques developed during the learning process significantly helps new drivers to stay safer. I can see a difference in my past students compared to my current ones – this of course, is my own opinion.



Of course some Students still suffer as I did with nerves…. but most ADIs seem to have the same reaction when their Standards Check letter arrives in the post!

Have a good day, all!


Fiona Taylor

Theory through practical

Theory practicalSo – with K last week – and she seems to be completely demoralised with her theory studies. Her dyslexia and educational history seemed to be daunting and overwhelming her into lethargy and reluctance to ‘get it done’!!

We chatted and discussed the issue, and it turns out she has never thought about the fact that when we “re locate” that theory into a practical road situations SHE ALWAYS knows what to do! She knows what the signs are if they are in context in front of her! She is wonderfully practical so common sense theory content is ‘obvious’ to her (eg first aid and safety)!

I asked her to take a look at the fact the theory is written on computers, yes, BUT where does it come from? It comes from the road, and the signs and the practical things that she can see and touch. The things that she does and sees and hears! The theory is just the world around her on ‘paper’!

That seemed to clinch it! She got it! If she makes it real – make it ‘in front of her’ and hands on – and all the answers spring to life! Books?? – Schmooks!! She can do this!

I ‘challenged’ her (in a caring and supportive sense of the word of course 🙂 ) to have a go at the ‘Hazard Perception’ aspect of the Theory. I told her I would put money on her ability to ‘ace’ the hazard perception clips! To prove my point, I quoted as many examples as I could remember from her last hour of driving of all the occasions that she predicted real and potential hazards on the road ahead AND the road behind because she is naturally conscious of the dangers all around her! I then started to quote a few examples from the previous week and eventually with a big grin on her face she ‘persuaded’ me to stop!
I also pointed out that she often speaks up when noticing other road users ‘doing it wrong’ and happily explaines to me what the correct action would have been! Hahaha!

As I predicted, K told me today that she aces the hazard perception clips! She also opted to spend some time on some theory practice today with me in the car. At times I helped ‘bring the theory questions to life’ by using my little cars and road layout diagrams. Result ? – correctly answered questions. We also ‘brought the theory questions to life’ by using specific local signs and areas that she knows well, also creating an environment that suited her skills.

Result? Theory practice mock test = PASS!! K took a photo of the ipad screen as proof of her achievement!

Well done K! Guess who is booking her theory test soon!

What if I just left her alone to get it done? I know she would still achieve a pass! That is a fact! She is determined and bright! – but would she see her theory through her dyslexia and those hindrances, or her theory with her skills and specific abilities?



Fiona Adi Driving-Coach on Facebook

Coaching Courses for ADIs and Driver Training for Learners

“I would like to thank everyone who has been part of my working week this week! It really has been wonderful … an example…

Wednesday – session 1 with A:
“I feel scary at traffic light! Fiona we do traffic light”
Chosen option – Drive. Stop. Look at each particular set of lights ahead. Discuss lanes, placement etc. Also discuss ‘what the oncoming driver would see’. Action that plan. Drive to next traffic lights. Stop and discuss and repeat as above etc
Outcome – “Is just look at light and lane and easy!”

Session 2 with B:
“I have a provisional licence, but I don’t know if I can handle driving!”
Me: “tell me more about that please”
Outcome – “I never knew I knew so much – yes I want to do this!”

Sessions 3 with C:
“Because of yesterday, today I will work on, approach speed, right mirror, observing when it ‘suddenly’ all changes ahead (like the bus signal), and my road position. I need to change those”
Outcome – “I did good! and I did do it all in one hour!”

Session 4 with D: (extremely new to driving!!)
Drive an agreed block. Don’t discuss as strongly independent and kinaesthetic. Sit back a watch her develop and improve independently. (F Tries to keep quiet!!) Safety critical intervention only.
Outcome – Smoother moving off and gear changes, route planning, signals/timing, approach speed and planned stops, awareness of other road users, road position, safe gaps and “oh yes the wing mirrors on both cars!”, braking downhill, traffic lights, roundabouts, mini roundabouts, meeting, and crossings.

Next day session 1 E:
Plan – more ‘complex’ roundabouts including double roundabouts and Roundabout with 5 satellite roundabouts around it.
“Can you shown me first please”
Outcome – “So all I need to do is do it slowly and plan where I want to go and it is quite easy really!”

Session 2 – Business Coaching Session for a local small business (and a bit of cake!)
[Confidentiality restraint – sorry]
Outcome after 3 bi monthly sessions- their business is booming, very happy with my support. Business goal projection in place and complete where necessary. Planned sessions complete. Future review with me planned for 6 months.”

Source: (2) Fiona Adi Driving-Coach

Another PASS on the FIRST Attempt!

Fiona Taylor's photo.

I’m selfishly proud to say a massive CONGRATULATIONS to Tony for PASSING today at his FIRST ATTEMPT!!
It was such a pleasure to be part of your driving journey, especially as it will mean SO much to your family! Lovely to help my ‘extended family’ but even more proud of you as you thrived so much! Well done Matey! You really did a great job!

‘Fear’ has a massive impact on learning…

11 minute TED talk on ‘fear’ and a better explanation about why some students get disproportionately ‘scared’ of certain things. It never feels right to just say, “don’t be scared”…. it doesn’t seem to work either!

Karen Thompson – what fear can… 

A little pet project of mine to understand ‘fear’ a little better so that we can tackle it better in the car as a team


Newest string to my bow….

I am now a “DriverMetrics® accredited coach”

I am very proud to be providing this service:

“Insight into Action™ Driver Coaching sessions are delivered by a DriverMetrics® accredited coach. All of our trainers have completed a 12-month BTEC Level 4 Professional Award in Coaching for Driver Development, as well as the DriverMetrics® accreditation course, delivered personally by Dr Lisa Dorn. This ensures that our trainers are highly experienced in how to influence any at-risk driver behaviours identified by the Driver Risk Index™.”

Goals For Driver Education….

Goals for Driver Education – 4.

The information in these next articles is based on a research document: Peräaho, M; Keskinen, E; Hatakka, M. Driver Competence in a Hierarchical Perspective; Implications for Driver Education. University of Turku, Traffic Research. June, 2003. This link will take you to the page on our website where you can download the PDF document:

Goals for Driver Education (GDE) – Level One Vehicle Manoeuvring
The focus on Level One is on the vehicle and its properties, and on the interaction between the driver and his/her car. Emphasis is on skills that have to do with vehicle control and handling.
Vehicle manoeuvring is the traditional cornerstone in driver education. Although goals and motives on a higher level are extremely important, the importance of basic vehicle manoeuvring skills should by no means be underestimated as they have an executive role in relation to the higher levels. The components that are found on this level can basically be learnt through repetition. Bit by bit, from single items to combinations, from basic to complex, and in different settings and on different road surfaces. Basically it is a question of motor learning, of doing things over and over again until they can be done automatically without conscious effort. Sufficient repetition is needed in order to achieve automatism of performance.
Automatic execution of manoeuvring tasks is crucial for safety. The more conscious effort a driver has to put into basic manoeuvres, e.g. the task of changing gear, the less capacity is available for coping with sudden, maybe dangerous events in a driving situation (a skill located in Level Two of the GDE).

Knowledge and skills
The first column on Level One focuses on how to use the car and its controls in a technical sense. The issues to be covered include, for example:Use of vehicle controls
• Basic mechanics
• Starting the car
• Using the clutch
• Changing gear
• Braking (foot and hand brake)
• Seating position and seat adjustment
• Adjustment of rear-view mirrors

Knowledge of vehicle properties
• Tyre grip and friction
• Front wheel drive vs. rear wheel drive
• Manoeuvrability and stability
• Effect of in-vehicle load (on e.g. stability or fuel consumption)

Control of driving direction and position on the road
• Driving straight
• Keeping car in lane
• Turning
• Under-steer or over-steer
• Reversing and parking
• Need of free space around the vehicle, turning radius

Risk increasing factors
Risk increasing factors in column 2 connected to vehicle manoeuvring include, for example:
• Technical faults of vehicle (e.g. neglect of car maintenance, insufficient tyre pressure)
• Insufficient manoeuvring skills
• Misunderstanding of vehicle dynamics and properties
• Unsuitable speed adjustment
• Human reaction times
• Non-use of seatbelts and other safety devices
• Blind spots (not checking surroundings before driving off, mirrors)
• Improper seating posture
• Effect of load
• Over-reaction, under-reaction, wrong reaction
• Over-steer, under-steer
• Effect of different braking techniques

Self-evaluation (Column 3) on this level is to a high degree about making connections between action and outcome of that action. When talking about manoeuvring, this insight is closely connected to the concept of risk-awareness, or ‘why am I doing X in this way and not in that way and ‘what did I do to make the car go so and so’. The idea should be that the learner reflects upon the risks involved in working the car as a machine but also, and most importantly, when manoeuvring this machine. Learners could also be encouraged to reflect upon such things as e.g. the ‘showing-off’ aspect of vehicle handling. An added bonus of this increased insight is that viewing a topic from different angles works as a reinforcement of the knowledge itself.
This column is concerned not only with evaluating and giving the learner a realistic picture of his or her personal strengths and weaknesses regarding vehicle manoeuvring. More importantly, it provides an opportunity to connect basic manoeuvring with behaviour on the other levels, mainly level 2, but also 3 and 4.
As far as driver training is concerned, the hierarchical perspective demands a wide range of methods in teaching / instruction. Skills for vehicle manoeuvring and mastery of traffic situations are the basis for successful operation in traffic and these aspects should be learned well during driver training. Psychomotor and physiological aspects are important as basic requirements for operations at the lowest levels of the hierarchy of driver behaviour. However, the skills that are applied and the choices that are made at the lower levels are under guidance of goals and motives on the highest level. The driver selects the style of manoeuvring and the driving strategy in a certain situation according to his or her goals. In addition to the training of basic skills, driver training should also deal with the higher levels in the hierarchy and take into consideration the driver’s goals connected with driving and, for example, skills for dealing with social pressure during a trip. Training that is targeted at the lower levels only will limit itself to just a narrow part of the total concept of driving. In order to be safe, a driver should therefore not only be skilled but also aware of potential risk factors and his/her own abilities and motives as a driver.
The contents of training should be meaningful and valid not only in training but also in real life. All exercises and discussions should relate to real scenarios that the learners can identify with. They should also be expanded upon to include other scenarios so that the awareness of associated risks is raised. Countermeasures must overall be taken to avoid overconfidence.
Overconfidence has been shown to occur:
• When there is too much emphasis on vehicle manoeuvring skills and coping with danger, and not enough on risk-awareness training (including risks connected to the higher levels)
• Where practical exercises are not followed up with sufficient client-centred discussions, designed to explain and deepen understanding of the message of the exercises.
• When a skill exercise ends in success
• When there is no connection between the practice and reality
• When the amount of repetition is great (strengthens the idea of practising).

If a learner is allowed to believe that he or she is a skilled driver who can handle hazardous situations, then these situations are no longer regarded as equally hazardous. These drivers are therefore unlikely to be motivated to drive more carefully than they feel is necessary. Overconfidence occurs easily if not actively counteracted.
Methods to avoid overconfidence include:
• Training of a skill, e.g. a manoeuvring exercise, should be followed by exercises and discussions aimed at highlighting the risks involved in using the skill (overconfidence)
• Making sure that a skill-based exercise does not end in success (a gratifying experience)
• Compare the exercises with situations that might be encountered on the road, linking them to reality through the learner’s own experiences.
My next article will take a close look at Level 2 of the GDE matrix and show the part it plays in developing safe and competent drivers.

Susan McCormack

Managing Director
Tri-Coaching Partnership

Thank you…



Braintree March 2015

Thank you!


aCCeLerate Btec Level 3



I am lucky to have had such a special time delivering the BTEC Level 3 toAndrea Polley and Neil Hughes!! It was so much fun and I could not ask for more effort and participation from anyone on a course! I am looking forward to keeping in touch and reading those assignments! So much fun because you two just ‘get it’!!! Thank you both!

— with Andrea Polley and Neil Hughes.